dossards solidaires

Running is allright, but running for a reason is even better!

Imagine for Margo is present in many races (marches, trail, cyclist, triathlon) with the runners with a big hear, prioudly wearing our colours, and leasding collections for the association.

We are also associated with Alvarum to propose race numbers for prestigious races (Marathon de Paris, Marathon Berlin, Semi-Marathon de Paris, etc…)

It is a simple principle: to have your race number for these races, create a collection for the association by clicking on your choice run here below:

courir solidaire
2017 Marathon of Paris

2017 Half Marathon of Paris



In addition, many personal sports actions have seen the light in order to support us:

• Trophy of the sailing students

• Ascension of the Mont-Blanc, and to the Kilimandjaro

• La France en Courant

• Marathon of New-York

• Ironman of Hawaii

• Ultra Trail of the Mont-Blanc

• Tour de France by bycicle

• etc…

Do not hesitate to contact us if you wish to realise your feat and make people aware of the cause for children’s cancer

And of course, join us for our annual solidarity race « Enfants sans Cancer »
