Dimanche auront lieu les « 20Km de Paris » mais aussi le marathon d’Amiens et de Baltimore. Un « Go, go, go » particulier pour les coureurs de Running for Margo.
Merci à tous les coureurs de Running for Margo : Philippe, Didier, Bruce, Elsa, John …Une pensée particulière pour John qui nous a envoyé cet émouvant message:
from John mahoney, fighting against a brain tumor : « I am running a half marathon tomorrow in Baltimore with my doctors to help benefit people who are fighting cancer and specifically brain tumors. There is a financial component that the researchers would like to achieve, however, my goal is to finish in spite of the surgery, chemo and radiation to give myself hope to beat tough odds and those who will face tough odds after me.
It seems that everyone wants to leave their mark on the world and hopefully they try to make it a better place. I think about the legacy that I may leave some day and I hope that it will be positive, but I also consider the challenge faced by those who are left behind. Will you please tell Margo’s family that her legacy lives on positively in a person who never met her, spoke her language and is of a different generation?
Tomorrow I will run for her, me and those who follow »