Our partner LA GRANDE RÉCRÉ was a lot generous and thanks to them and the Enterprise Committee of the Société Générale, lots of present were distributed to children for Christmas at the hospitals of Rennes Sud, Gustave Roussy, Trousseau et Poissy Saint-Germain-en-Laye.
Also, a huge thank you to the students of the Institut Notre-Dame of Saint-Germain-en-Laye who packed all the presents!
In Rennes, the 10th of December, Mickaël, our ambassador in Bretagne had organized everything with Elise, a children educator, for a magical Christmas for the children of the Onco-Hématalogique service of the South of the hospital in Rennes.
The afternoon was rhythmic: Ashley Jackon show, Frozen and Minnie/Mickey in the games room with their parents and some staff.
Don’t forget the personalized shows in the children’s rooms!
After that, everybody opened their presents and they shared a snack together with beautiful moments of exchange.
Thank you again to our partner La Grande Récré and to Mickaël, Ashley, Cathy, Vicky, Elise and the Onco-Hématologique service of the south hospital of Rennes as well.
For the others: Gustave Roussy, Trousseau and Poissy Saint-Germain-en-Laye, the operation of the Christmas present was organized by our volunteer Guillemette, who also distributed the presents: a very big THANK YOU !