Mobilising people on the little-known situation regarding children’s cancers and debating a legislation encouraging paediatric research.
Saturday, 15 February 2014 – World Day against children’s cancer. Imagine for Margo has organised a seminar on a specific paediatric research at the Palais du Luxembourg, under the high patronage of the president of the President of the Senate. The seminar brings together the major actors involved in this problem: politicians, researchers, doctors, pharmaceutical companies, associations, testimony from patients, students of law. An afternoon of discussions and exchanges with the aim of finding solutions to favour the research on paediatric cancers.
We had a rich discussion, of great quality and sometimes rather lively… we will now continue this exchanges with the different participants and will try to convert them into concrete actions.
More work to come, new mobilizations, but we remain highly motivated. Go, Fight, Win!
From left to right : Pr. Philippe Juvin, Euro MP, Head of the urgences de l’HEGP, Pr. Jacqueline Godet, President of la Ligue contre le cancer, Jacques Raynaud, President of the Fondation ARC, Pr. Agnès Buzyn, President of the Institut National du Cancer, Patrick Errard, President of the LEEM (Les Entreprises du Médicaments),Alain Gournac, Senator for Yvelines and sponsor of the seminar, Dr. Jean Michon, President of the Société Française des Cancers et leucémies des enfants et adolescents, Aurélien Raccah, professor-researcher, lawyer specialised in Health Law, Dr Catherine Deroche, Senator, Vice-President of the commission of Social Affairs of the Senate.

Pr. Gilles Vassal, President of the Société Européenne d’Oncologie Pédiatrique, Frédéric Lemos, Théophile Bélivier, Patricia Blanc, Stéphane Rozès seminar leader, Stéfy Gamby.
The seminar videos:
Introduction-Sénateur A.Gournac Plan Cancer 3 Pr A. Buzin (INCA) Le règlement pédiatrique européen Creating Hope Act – Nancy Goodman Les cancers pédiatriques – Pr G.Vassal Témoignages de malades Conclusion- Sénateur C.Deroche
les photos du colloque Les présentations Le programme et le communiqué de presse
The young mobilise for the children
The seminar started with the students of the Faculté Libre de Droit (campus Paris) who, together with their professors, brilliantly presented the US and the European regulations.
Adults, youngsters and children, they all were at the meeting for a full of energy choreography of “Michael Jackson”, led by AOJ Jackson. Many blue t-shirts, but also a large presence of many associations who fight against children’s cancer.
Thank you Franck, Michael and Antonia, as well as or photographers Solène and Jackie – find their pictures here !