
More investment, collaborate differently

More investment, collaborate differently

More investment, collaborate differently

-Synthesis of 4th part-     Catherine Deroche, President of the French Senate committee on Cancer. The Committee has been created last year further to the seminar exceptionnally agreed by Senate President Gerard Larcher. This is a general cancer group, focused on pediatry. A special work will be done to improve the links with the […]

Precision medicine : the challenges of transformation

Precision medicine : the challenges of transformation

Precision medicine : the challenges of transformation

-Synthesis of part 3- Professor Yves Léy, CEO of INSERM (the French National Institute for Health and Medical Research), and President of Aviesan (the French Life Sciences and Healthcare Alliance), presented the report « Genomic France 2025 » remitted in June 2016 to Prime Minister Manuel Valls. This plan consists of developping on the French territory genomas sequencing and allow France […]

To accelerate innovation

To accelerate innovation

To accelerate innovation

-Synthesis of part 2- Round table 1 – accelerate innovation : more research, differently. How Roche laboratory can accelerate research ? Leila Kockler, solid tumors medical Director at Roche has presented the iMATRIX initiative (phase I-II) which gives children molecules in development at Roche. 90 children are part of the iMATRIX protocole in Europe and the United […]

Our 4th seminar « Towards a specific research on pediatric cancers »

Our 4th seminar « Towards a specific research on pediatric cancers »

Our 4th seminar « Towards a specific research on pediatric cancers »

On January 28th took place our 4th seminar « towards a specific research on pediatric cancers ». All the actors around the cause of pediatric cancer were attending : doctors, searchers, institutions, politics, families. Here is the synthesis of the 1st part : TO ACCELERATE INNOVATION New research programs have started to fight against pediatric cancers. Let’s continue to mobilize to […]

Workshop at the Orsay Museum

Workshop at the Orsay Museum

Workshop at the Orsay Museum

A private visit to the exhibition Frédéric Bazille took place at the Orsay Museum on February 13th for 7 children and their families. The opportunity for these children monitored at Gustave Roussy, to discover Impressionism and to participate in a creative workshop in family after the visit. The museum was opened especially for children to […]

Journée mondiale du cancer des enfan

Journée mondiale du cancer des enfan

Journée mondiale du cancer des enfan

Le 15 Février marque la journée mondiale du cancer des enfants. Cette journée est importante car elle permet de sensibiliser le plus grand nombre d’entre nous à la cause du cancer pédiatrique. Cause méconnue et si particulière qui touche nos enfants. La vie de tous ces petits guerriers n’est pas simple et nous n’avons pas […]

Raising of the International School of Paris

Raising of the International School of Paris

Raising of the International School of Paris

A very big thank you to the Parents Association of the International School of Paris which collected 2800 euros for Imagine for Margo during its Holiday Bazaar! And special thanks to Louise Elliott, French teacher at this school, which is part of our solidarity runners during the next half marathon. Go, Fight, Win!