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Get ready, steady, go !

Get ready, steady, go !

Get ready, steady, go !

The 6th edition of the « children without cancer » race will take place on September 24th 2017 in the Parc de Saint-Cloud. The whole team at Imagine for Margo is preparing an unforgettable day, full of emotion and hope. As every year, all donations collected from the race « children without cancer » will be entirely given for […]

SEMINAR 2017 : « Towards a targeted research on children’s cancers »

SEMINAR 2017 : « Towards a targeted research on children’s cancers »

SEMINAR 2017 : « Towards a targeted research on children’s cancers »

On 28th January, took place our 4th seminar “Towards a targeted research on children’s cancer”. All major players in the cause of childhood cancer were present, including doctors, researchers, institutions, politicians, associations and parents. We have been able to show that a strong dynamic has started with new and particularly innovative research programs of targeted […]