The Story of Iron Lily, the Little Warrior Against Leukemia

Lily, nicknamed “Iron Lily,” is an 8-year-old warrior. Her battle with leukemia began when a simple earache led to her diagnosis. Since then, she has faced cancer head-on every day. Lily energetically explains how she became “Iron Lily”: “The first time I needed blood, I was lucky—it was Iron Man’s blood. So, ever since, I tell myself I still have Iron Man’s blood, and now they call me Iron Lily.” This nickname perfectly captures Lily’s inner strength as she learns to draw courage and positivity from each step of her journey.

Like Lily, thousands of children and teens each year see their lives turned upside down by cancer. As the year comes to a close, let’s support them and make “recovery” their future.

Diagnosis and the Battle Against Leukemia

It all began with a simple doctor’s visit for ear pain, which quickly escalated into something far more serious. Lily was hospitalized at Trousseau Hospital for a series of tests, which revealed leukemia. Her blood was neither sufficient nor healthy, plunging her into an intensive cycle of care.

Lily has faced a challenging year, one in which she had to leave school. Fortunately, hospital staff, including entertainers and teachers, regularly visited her, providing moments of relief. Despite daily chemotherapy and treatments, she found ways to keep her spirits up, such as participating in hospital activities and organizing “parties” with the nurses.

Unwavering Willpower and Positivity in the Face of Leukemia

What stands out in Lily’s story is her ability to see the good in every situation. “You shouldn’t be alone, and you should try to do things you enjoy, even when things aren’t going well,” she advises. Despite fatigue, the side effects of steroids, and everyday challenges, she’s now thrilled to be able to return to school.

During her treatment, Lily also received a special bracelet from a nurse, which helps her stay strong during procedures. “This bracelet gives me strength,” she says. It’s in this unbreakable positivity that Lily, like so many children, finds her strength to face cancer.

Raising Awareness and Advancing Research

For Lily, raising awareness about childhood cancer is crucial so that treatments can improve and become less invasive. “People should be made more aware, so one day cancer can be cured faster,” she says. Her message is clear: every bit of support, every donation, brings children like Lily closer to a future without cancer.

Go, Fight, Win – Lily’s Message for the Future

Lily’s mantra, “Go, Fight, Win,” reflects her hope and determination to beat the disease. Supported by her family and friends, she remains hopeful that someday, all children can be cured of cancer and live normal lives. Lily embodies the hope for a future where healing is the only outcome for children with cancer.

Help us make that future a reality. Your support can make a difference in the lives of thousands of children like Lily. Go, Fight, Win!

How to Help?

To make stories like Lily’s more common, Imagine for Margo is dedicated to supporting childhood cancer research. You can help by making a donation or participating in our fundraising events.

Together, we can make a difference.