Biomede trial

RECHERCHEThis trial was co-financed with the Children without Cancer races of 2014 and 2017.

BIOMEDE Biological Medicine for Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma (DIPG) Eradication


BIOMEDE therapeutic trial enables to test three target therapies: everolimus, dasatinib, erlotinib. in combination with radiotherapy, upon initial diagnosis, according to the molecular analysis of the child’s tumor upon diagnosis (one of the three biomarkers at least). New medicines will then be introduced. A complete sequencing of tumors is also additionally done to better understand anomalies and orientate the treatment.

Our financing encompasses a part of the trial costs, tumor molecular portraits “Whole exome sequencing and RNA sequencing” on brain biopsy of children who will participate in the trial in France and the salary of a temporary working expert in biocomputer science over 4 years to make use of sequencing results.

The aim of BIOMEDE is to systematize brain biopsy to establish a direct link between mutations observed in the tumor and the treatment. Eventually, if a link is made between the mutations and the chosen treatment, it will be possible, during the very days following the diagnosis, to use the sequencing results to choose the treatment.
The trial gives the possibility to be gradually extended when identifying new potentially available medicines. The first effectiveness results of the three treatment lines will be known in the beginning of 2018.

: Gustave Roussy
Main investigator : Dr Jacques Grill
Program duration : October 2014 – October 2022 (6 years of recruitment, 2 years of follow up)
Recruitment Phase II (ongoing) : 2014 – 2020. Objective of 350 patients (310 patients included at the end of 2019)
Countries concerned : France, United Kingdom, Denmark, Sweden – opening in Spain, Australia, Italy, Belgium and Ireland
Funding by Imagine for Margo : 1 605 000€

Doctor Jacques Grill speaks about the program :

“We already have children who started the treatment, that are still among us. Many of them are doing fine although the treatment started more than 2 years ago. And this was unpredictable for us.” Doctor Jacques GRILL