How to help us

The comic that makes feel good

The comic that makes feel good

The comic that makes feel good

You can buy the “comic that makes feel good” (in French) and help the research against childhood cancer.  This is an initiative from the French publishing house Glenat : 40 comic writers have gathered to help fight childhood cancer, creating this comic. All the sales profits will be given to our association in order to finance research.  Price : […]

Water “Eau de la Reine”

Water “Eau de la Reine”

Water “Eau de la Reine”

Our partner Eau de la Reine is helping our cause by redistributing part of its sales profits to our association. Now you can help us by buying this water in France.   To know more about it, click here    

Politicus Mediati

Politicus Mediati

Politicus Mediati

Through this satirical book, the author has mixed the world of Jean de la Fontaine fables with the world of politics and media. A brilliant reading ! All the copyrights will be given to Imagine for Margo.    Price : 10,90 €

« This star won’t go out »

« This star won’t go out »

« This star won’t go out »

“The Life and Words of Esther Grace Earl” upon whom John Green based his female character Hazel in his poignant novel “The Fault in Our Stars”. It is the story of a young girl with cancer, whose joy and thirst for life shines throughout the book and echoes our association’s message. For each book purchased, […]




Imagine for Margo and A-qui-S are partners!                

The 1st book kids by Perrine Clément for Imagine for Margo

The 1st book kids by Perrine Clément for Imagine for Margo

The 1st book kids by Perrine Clément for Imagine for Margo

ET POURTANT « Une histoire heureuse sur le chagrin » Perrine Clément Edited by Le Voyageur / Editor Le Voyageur (LVE) A little girl observes her mum’s sadness and discovers the hidden power of tears…whatever the cause, tears have a liberating role; when accepted, they open the way to rebirth. They are fully part of the life […]



Cestbonesp («good spirit »), peer-to-peer ads with donations Imagine for Margo partners with, a peer-to-peer e-commerce platform, where the seller can transform his sell price (all or part of it) into a donation to an association of his/her choice. We have the privilege to be part of the listed associations and you can now sell […]




Running is allright, but running for a reason is even better! Imagine for Margo is present in many races (marches, trail, cyclist, triathlon) with the runners with a big hear, prioudly wearing our colours, and leasding collections for the association. We are also associated with Alvarum to propose race numbers for prestigious races (Marathon de […]