The 13rd of October: 950 students at the cross of Noisy


The collège of Noisy-le-roi organized an annual cross in support of Imagine for Margo the last 13rd of October. The students of the school La Pépinière de Bailly were here as well.

This race helped to inform no less than 950 students about paediatric cancer which affects children like them.

The principle of the fundraising was that each student got a sponsor.
Sponsors commit to pay an amount of money by lap number. Also, students need to browse heaps laps during the cross to have the possibility to multiply donations.

We will know only in January the final amount collected for the occasion of this event. The students were very efficient, which lets consider a beautiful sum for the research against child cancer.

Congratulations and thanks to all these young people and their teachers for their active participation to the fight against paediatric cancer.