The brave story of Margo, in a moving video

This year, for Golden September, month dedicated to childhood cancer in France and internationally, we want to share the story of Margo throught this beautiful video, made by students from the school Pole 3D in Lille and with the voice of French singer LOUANE.

This moving video follows the brave fight that Margo undertook against her disease, that has lead to the creation of our charity…

frise d'images de l'histoire de Margo, décédée d'un neuroblastome à l'âge de 14 ans et qui est à l'origine de l'association Imagine for Margo
At 14 years old, Margo is affected by an agressive brain tumor. She fights with courage against her disease, surrounded by her family and friends. She even launches a fund-raiser to find new treatments, to help cure childhood cancer. The largest private fundraiser on the internet in France! Unfortunately, for lack of adapted treatments, after several months of brave fight, Margo floats up to the sky, leaving us a strong message in her journal:


«  GO : take the opportunities that come to you, and do not miss a chance to follow your dreams  

FIGHT, against all the hard moments that will come to you.

WIN, accomplish the things you want, follow your dreams and always try to be a better person. »

After Margo left, her parents created the charity Imagine for Margo – Children without Cancer to collect funds in order to make the medical research progress and better cure children’s cancers, first cause of death by disease in children in France and Europe.  

Through telling the story of Margo, it is the plight of childhood cancer that is told: the courage of the little warriors, the remarkable strength of their families, the lack of funding allocated to finding cures for children and the urgent requirement to develop specific treatments for them…

These personal stories that touch us show how important it is that we rally together to make the cause of children’s cancer advance, so that we can imagine, one day, A WORLD WITHOUT CHILDHOOD CANCER!

THANK YOU to LOUANE for lending her voice to tell the moving story of Margo. THANK YOU to the students of the school Pole 3D in Lille for making this beautiful video, to JOYCE who started and coordinated this project and to ANTOINE for the music.


message de vie laissé par Margo dans ses cahiers et qui est devenu le message transmis par l'association Imagine for MargoFor children without cancer! 
