
Summary of our 5th seminar FAST – 10 February 2018

Summary of our 5th seminar FAST – 10 February 2018

Summary of our 5th seminar FAST – 10 February 2018

On February 10, 2018, our 5th FAST seminar was held at the Senate, in Paris, in the presence of Agnès Buzyn, the French Health Minister, and under the High Patronage of Gérard Larcher, President of the Senate.  All the major players in pediatric oncology research were brought together – researchers, doctors, drug manufacturers, institutions, parliamentarians, parents’ associations […]

2018 National Awareness Campaign with Mika

2018 National Awareness Campaign with Mika

2018 National Awareness Campaign with Mika

On the occasion of the International Childhood Cancer Day on February 15th, Imagine for Margo launches its annual French national awareness campaign.  Thanks to the tremendous generosity of French media, the campaign will be broadcast on television, at the cinema, on billboards, in the press and on the internet and will make millions of French […]

Un récital de piano réussi au profit d’Imagine for Ma

Un récital de piano réussi au profit d’Imagine for Ma

Un récital de piano réussi au profit d’Imagine for Ma

Les notes de musique du récital de piano donné mardi soir dernier en faveur des enfants atteints de cancer résonnent encore au théâtre du Ranelagh dans le 16e arrondissement de Paris. Antoine Moreau y a offert un concert absolument extraordinaire à un auditoire amateur de musique classique. Près de 10 000 euros ont ainsi été collectés […]