
[:fr]Des jeux et de beaux meubles pour les ados et jeunes adultes de Gustave Roussy

[:fr]Des jeux et de beaux meubles pour les ados et jeunes adultes de Gustave Roussy

[:fr]Des jeux et de beaux meubles pour les ados et jeunes adultes de Gustave Roussy

A big thank you to the Rotary of Rueil Malmaison, to Société Bureau Veritas, and to the Mutuelle SG. Thanks to their generous donations, our partners allowed us to offer wonderful games and new furnishings to the Institute Gustave Roussy (Villejuif) for the young teenagers’ areas. Wii games, board games, a nice cupboard to tidy […]




A big sports and associative challenge for Imagines for Margo. A great team undertook a cycling challenge: Paris / Beauvais and Paris / London in 3 days. – On June 11th: Paris-Beauvais, 107 km between the Saint-Martin canal and the Beauvais station – On June 12th: Beauvais-Dieppe, 123 km; then the ferry from Dieppe to […]

The children at the Camargue with Peter Lindbergh

The children at the Camargue with Peter Lindbergh

The children at the Camargue with Peter Lindbergh

Fantastic weekend with Peter Lindbergh for 7 children followed at Gustave Roussy. Thanks to the generosity of the world-famous photographer Peter Lindbergh, Imagine for Margo is taking to the Camargue seven children with cancer, all treated at the Institut Gustave Roussy. Peter is enamoured of the Camargue and has tried to make the children forget […]

A magical weekend with Mika and Peter Lindbergh

A magical weekend with Mika and Peter Lindbergh

A magical weekend with Mika and Peter Lindbergh

Unbelievable weekend at the Carmargue, full of love, emotion, discoveries, and many surprises! The first surprise took place in the plane, where each of our little warriors was personally welcomed. The lovely crew took us to Marseille, allowing each child to make a tour of the cockpit. The boys were even allowed to be there […]

Interview with Mrs Marisol Touraine, Minister of Health

Interview with Mrs Marisol Touraine, Minister of Health

Interview with Mrs Marisol Touraine, Minister of Health

Interview with Mme la Ministre de la Santé, Marisol Touraine, two of her advisors and Mme Agnès Buzyn, president of l’Institut National du Cancer (Inca). We took the occasion to show our determination to ensure the introduction of the measures planned in the Plan cancer 3 for children and adolescents, and to propose that France […]

Day of the Handmade and Gastronomy

Day of the Handmade and Gastronomy

Day of the Handmade and Gastronomy

A beautiful and sunny day on Sunday 18 May, in Cadillac en Fronsadais, with 33 exhibitors mobilising in support of Imagine For Margo. Thank you to the organisers of this Day, Agnès, Jocelyne, Marie Ardgalen and Richard, Delphine for the Zumba lessons, Sabrina for the all-women football game, gathering the clubs from Genzac,Saint Emilion, Largorce, […]

Model United Nation at the Institut Notre Dame

Model United Nation at the Institut Notre Dame

Model United Nation at the Institut Notre Dame

A engaged and solidary youth It is moving to read the beautiful letter from the club « MUN » at the Institut Notre Dame, Saint Germain-en-laye, describing their actions for the association: the message “Go Fight Win” distributed to the youth of the whole Paris region, together with a magnificent check from the sale of cakes and […]

Race Paris – Saint Germain-en-laye

Race Paris – Saint Germain-en-laye

Race Paris – Saint Germain-en-laye

On Sunday 18 May, a nice team of runners has enlisted to support Imagine for Margo. A beautiful race under the sun, with arrival at the Chateau for our nice bunch of medailled runners! Go, Fight, Win! Thank you all!