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2016 Retrospective

2016 Retrospective

2016 Retrospective

WHAT A YEAR ! 2016 has been filled with actions and emotion for the association: We can gladly say that all our action axes have significantly progressed. Now, three flagship events set the annual tempo: • Our annual symposium has for the 3rd time gathered the major actors of the Children’s Cause for Cancer Advocacy, […]

Lannion Urban Trail

Lannion Urban Trail

Lannion Urban Trail




Behind the scene of our new movie The movie has been realised in July, in a happy and peaceful atmosphere, when our young heroine made some trials behind the camera. This is the very touching story of Maya, our young heroine. Maya is suffering from a nephroblastoma. She has been first treated in Algeria where […]

Huge success for a Feydeau theater play!

Huge success for a Feydeau theater play!

Huge success for a Feydeau theater play!

Great success for the Saint Nazaire comedy led by Eric Sturtz, a family friend of our beautiful Juliette. Their adaptation of « Dindon » of Feydeau played to a full house the 27th, the 28th and the 29th of November with 3 performances for the benefit of Imagine for margo. 2 500 euros were collected ! A massive […]

The 10th of October – Hunting horns concert at the désert de Retz.

The 10th of October – Hunting horns concert at the désert de Retz.

The 10th of October – Hunting horns concert at the désert de Retz.

                            Thank you to the Lions Club to organized the wonderful hunting horns concert in this beautiful scenery of the désert de Retz at Chambourcy !

16 Juin- Remise du prix SERVIR du Rotary de Rueil-Malmai

16 Juin- Remise du prix SERVIR du Rotary de Rueil-Malmai

16 Juin- Remise du prix SERVIR du Rotary de Rueil-Malmai

 AWARDING OF THE ROTARY OF RUEIL-MALMAISON “PRIX SERVEUR” Patricia Blanc s’est vu remettre le Prix Servir du Rotary ainsi q’un chèque de 1500 Euros pour les actions d’Imagine for Margo envers les enfants atteints de cancer. Un grand MERCI aux membres du Rotary de Rueil-Malmaison et à monsieur le Député Maire pour cette belle récompense et […]

Patricia Blanc lauréate du Prix Fémina

Patricia Blanc lauréate du Prix Fémina

Patricia Blanc lauréate du Prix Fémina

Innovative Therapies for Children with Cancer

Innovative Therapies for Children with Cancer

Innovative Therapies for Children with Cancer

Innovative Therapies for Children with Cancer Consortium de chercheurs européen créé en 2003, ITCC rassemble 42 institutions européennes de recherche  en oncologie pédiatrique et de 9 laboratoires de recherche européens. Le but de ITCC est de développer des thérapies innovantes et spécifiques pour le traitement des cancers pédiatriques et de l’adolescent, en coopération avec les organismes […]